6 Things You Should Do After Leaving Addiction Treatment
Recovery is a lifelong journey that continues well beyond the walls of a rehabilitation centre. While completing addiction treatment is...
Anatta Humanversity: Stone Shippers Workshop
Anatta Humanversity Pvt. Ltd. conducted a workshop on ‘The Art of Communication’ for the Senior Managers & Executives of Stone Shippers,...
Co-Dependency Workshop Event in India Club, Dubai
Co-Dependency Workshop Event in India Club, Dubai Anatta codependency online conference is now over! Thank you so much for joining us in...
A Glimpse Into The Techniques of Meditation
A glimpse into the techniques of meditation We, Mr Mahesh Hiranandani & Ms.Vandana Hiranandani counsellors from Anatta Humanversity Mumbai, conducted a successful meditation event on Friday...
Meditation Event in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Meditation Event in Dhaka, Bangladesh Meditaion: Body Mind Balancing with Vandana Hiranandani A Friday of 9th June 2017, was well spent amongst...