The Ultimate Luxury Rehab

Rehabilitation Centre in Bhubaneshwar

Luxury Single Client

Destination Treatment

Anatta luxurious Rehab Centre

Luxurious and Confidential

Anatta facilitates its residential single client treatment in Luxurious ambiences amidst nature.

Single Client Therapy At Anatta Rehabilitation Centre

Single Client Therapy

Anatta provides individual therapy to clients who seek it for addiction to alcohol/drugs/prescription medication maintaining client anonymity and confidentiality.

Non-Medical Treatment At Rehabilitation Centre


Anatta’s Alternate Life Therapy facilitates eclectic Counselling, meditation and other alternate therapies to enable the client get beyond addiction.

Voluntary Program At Anatta Rehabilitation Centre


Those individuals who would like to enter the program with their consent , voluntarily are accepted.

What is Addiction?

Addiction is defined as the need to use an external substance despite its injurious effects on the body and mind in the long run. It involves the increase of intake of substances like drugs, alcohol, etc. as the body gets used to the external and heightened stimuli it receives from the substance. Once a person falls prey to an addictive disorder, the way they exploit the substance is not in their control. This state of heightened stimulus becomes the “new normal” for the body, thereby making it tough to quit, thus leading to distress.

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    The continuous use of substances has created a menace of addiction and has become one of the biggest threats to the city of Bhubaneshwar. News of high alcohol and drug abuse can seem disturbing, especially when a majority of it is affecting the youth- our future. As a matter of fact, experts say that addictions can affect anyone, irrespective of their age, gender, etc.

    It is vital to understand that addictions don’t mean “the end”; with appropriate care and rehabilitation one can go back to a normal lifestyle. However, every person’s recovery journey is different, marked with their own triumphs and failures; the duration of every individual’s journey too may vary too!

    Current Situation in Bhubaneshwar

    Odisha apparently has a growing number of drug addicts. In the State, 40 percent of kids use inhalants, and less than 15 percent of children use heroin. In Bhubaneswar, children involved in rag picking, shoe shining, working as coolies, working in shops and restaurants, roadside vending, cleaning, and washing utensils in hotels for their survival are often found as drug addicts.

    To fight the growing issue of drug and alcohol abuse disorder, a large number of rehab centres are working together to aid the addicts and help them return to an addiction-free life. The city has licensed rehabilitation centres. Additionally, there are several online campaigns and offline events being held to break free from the stigma of Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres, which work closely to break down the stigma and taboo of Rehabilitation Centres.

    Odisha has the second-highest number of Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCA) after Maharashtra and has received Rs 20.38 crore of Central assistance in the last three years under the Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse scheme.

    Anatta is a comprehensive alcohol and drug rehab centre in Bhubaneshwar, and plans to mend the patient's body and brain all the while, and has practical experience in giving remarkable private consideration to those experiencing habit in a terrific climate. Anatta is an elite rehab centre in Bhubaneshwar, that gives an extraordinary encounter of comprehensive recuperating for those adapting to drug and alcohol addictions.

    Anatta is a rehabilitation community in Bhubaneshwar and cases to have a hundred percent achievement rate with its customers and keeping them calm preceding their treatment. Anatta is centered around giving top-notch inpatient treatment to alcohol and drug dependence, accordingly have held hands with probably the most exceptionally qualified specialists and instructors to make a remarkable individualized treatment program. So in the event that you are searching for a drug rehab centre or alcohol rehabilitation centre in Bhubaneshwar, Anatta is the best extravagance alcohol and drug rehab centre.

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    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ / Certified & Trusted Rehab Centre
    Hurry, Give us a call, We are here to help 24/7

    Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Bhubaneshwar - Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

    Set in the laps of serene nature, in luxurious comfort, away from one day to day stress, enables faster results, and greater peace of mind, as one does not have to worry about the additional external pressure. Anatta specializes in destination treatment that allows the individual to recover and regrow away from the hustle and bustle, in peace and tranquility. Anatta Bhubaneshwar provides an empathetic, accepting, judgment-free environment, wherein help is available 24/7.

    At Anatta, unlike other drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres in Bhubaneshwar, it focuses on holistic recovery and healing with unique approaches. It addresses the individual first because you are more than your addiction. It offers to heal the mind-body and spirit, to help the person overcome their addiction and start afresh.

    Anatta is one of the leading rehabilitation centres for Bhubaneshwar. It provides recovery options through residential, non-medical methods, specializing in Alternative Life Programs, for those who want to recover and live a life free of substance dependence.

    It was founded in 2004 and is a luxury rehab centre based on a voluntary, non-medical, client-specific, one on one program, where you gain the tools to deal with these unresolved issues through compassionate, individualized, holistic coaching in a lavish ambiance.

    Leading Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Bhubaneshwar

    Anatta today has held hands with eminent doctors, instructors, and medical services experts who help the patient to recuperation. It advances and supports a treatment program, where they manage enthusiastic directing and other social medicines. Furthermore, Anatta advances and supports a treatment program, where they manage enthusiastic guiding and other conduct medicines like – Meditation, directing reflective composition and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with other recuperating courses additionally mix in, to encourage the development of a person to energize a change that prompts not finding the need to utilize/drink any substance whether drugs or alcohol.

    At Anatta Humanversity, we comprehend that dependence is that building up enslavement isn't a character defect or an indication of shortcoming; it takes a great deal of determination and self-acknowledgment to conquer such an issue. Mishandling such substances changes the manner in which normal cerebrum capacities, causing longings and certain impulses, that make moderation seem like an unimaginable objective.

    Beating a dependence on alcohol can be a long and uneven street. Now and again, it might even feel unthinkable. Yet, it's definitely not. In case you're prepared to quit drinking and ready to get the help you need, you can recoup. Conquering fixation requires connecting for help and making changes in the manner one lives, manages issues, and identifies with others. Recuperation is in every case just close enough, however is in every case more accommodating when finished with help.

    Start your recovery journey with Anatta Rehabilitation. Speak to one of our rehab counselors.

    About the Company

    Rehabilitation Centre in Bhubaneshwar
    Year of Establishment Nature of Business
    2004 Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
    Rehab Location Specialization
    Bhubaneshwar Destination Treatment

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        What is a Rehab?


        What is the Single client Destination treatment program at Anatta?


        What are the different stages of addiction?


        What are the denials in Substance use and how can one address them?
