Game of emotions at Kolkata

Game of emotions at Kolkata

Recently the team of Anatta organized a short talk on the GAME OF EMOTIONS in Kolkata, the event was attended by 50 people and some press, we are please to say that the same was met with a lot of appreciation and also inquiry. The talk aimed at spreading awareness on managing ones own emotions and briefly touched on how using techniques of calming the mind such as meditation along with other awareness techniques helps in our daily lives. We also used this platform to spread awareness on addiction and family-related problems.

On interaction with the audience it was felt that they were greatly benefited by our talk and very interested in further talks and workshops on the same subject, they were glad that we touched upon subjects that are problems of daily life yet is not generally discussed in social forums. We at Anatta feel that it is our responsibility to share our experience with the people around us so that they get the right type of help to manage any emotional turbulences that they may be facing.

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