The current rave in Clubs and the in Date rape Drug along with Rohypnol- Easy lay, Liquid ecstasy, Liquid X, Georgia homeboy, cherry meth, soap, scoop, organic Quaalude, fantasy, salty water, gamma-oh, sleep-500, somatomax, gamma hydrate – thus known by many of its pseudonyms is the elusive, elusive and illusive Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB).
GHB or Gamma-hydroxybutyrate C4H8O3 is a precursor to GammaAmino Butyric Acid or GABA which is normally produced in the brain.
It is a CNS depressant, highly addictive with some probably fatal side effects and withdrawals.
It is popular in the younger generation as it cannot be smelt and the effects are similar to that of alcohol without the odor. However, they fail to realize the fatal effects until it is too late.
Appearance- clear liquid form, odorless and colorless. Hence many times used instead of alcohol by the young crowd. It is usually had on its own or mixed with water or alcohol.
Duration of Effects- Effects set in within 15-60 minutes and lasts for 6 hours. It can be detected in the urine only within 12 hours of ingestion.
Manufacture is using toxic chemicals like industrial solvents.
A variant of it was used to treat narcolepsy or excessive sleep disorder.
Effects- euphoria, increased sex drive, tranquility.
Negative Effects- Perspiration, loss of consciousness, seizures, coma, respiratory shut down that can lead to having to be admitted in the ICU and put on life support like a ventilator. Nausea, vomiting, sluggishness, confusion, fatigue, hallucinations of the visual, and auditory kinds.
Deaths have been reported after combined use of Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) with alcohol,
Withdrawals- on discontinuation, there can be severe withdrawals like severe tremors, anxiety, heavy perspiration, seizures .
Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) might not be a singular addiction in most people. Hence it is masked by the other substances used especially alcohol and benzodiazepines.
Treatment- Involves hospitalization for taking care of the withdrawals which require a client to be in supervision due to the risks involved.
Following detoxification, residential stay in an accepting, loving, non-judgmental ambiance wherein
– Meditation techniques are used to calm the racing mind,
– Counseling to share one’s issues and facilitation provided for creating the right soil within to learn to resolve issues.
– Writing to view and deal with life more realistically
– Other alternate therapies to enable a person to turn the spotlight where it is required- within and for once honestly look and deal with oneself, accepting responsibility.
Ultimately, the treatment is of the individual – not Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) or alcohol any substance, for it is the individual who is going towards the substance. In addition, the primary issue is an inability or difficulty in dealing with one’s emotions realistically. The right treatment provides the “how-to” thereby, leading to the state of not finding the need to use.