
Prohibition in India: A Controversial Approach to Curb Alcoholism

Mahatma Gandhi was the primary advocate of prohibition in India, considering alcohol a social evil that eroded individual and societal values. Despite his strong stance, prohibition remains a debated policy in the country. Presently, prohibition exists in Gujarat, Nagaland, parts of Manipur, and Lakshadweep. However, its effectiveness in curbing alcoholism remains questionable. Gujarat: A Case […]

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Addiction and Social Ostracism

Addiction to alcohol and drugs is one of the oldest ailments known to humanity. Intoxicating substances have been used since time immemorial for recreation, celebration, religious practices, and shamanic rituals. The Harsh Reality of Social Ostracism Historically, societies have ostracized individuals for belonging to certain races, castes, creeds, or for suffering from diseases. Addiction to

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An Indian Legislative Perspective to Alcohol / Drug Menace

The stand on the laws governing the use of substances in any country across the world has been varied. The efforts have been to curb the availability and addictive use of any substance. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS Act) The NDPS Act is the solitary and wide-ranging legislation which deals with the issue

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Lies In Addiction

Addiction is a disease and lying is a part and parcel of it. Lying happens to the spouse, children, to business colleagues, to employers, to employees, to friends, and most importantly to one’s own self. Lying becomes second nature. It reaches such an extent that the lying happens even when it is just as easy,

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Substance Abuse and Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis has been part of humanity since centuries ravaging several lives. CAUSE –Mycobacterium Tuberculosis SPREAD –Primarily by airborne particles from someone with active, infectious and contagious TB.These remain suspended in air for several hours. HIGH RISK – Those in close contact with someone with infectious TB.Alcoholics and those using drugs.HIV infected individualsImmunocompromised individualsHomelessPoor and unhygienic

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