Addiction is considered to be a disease that affects an individual physically, emotionally, spiritually and in interpersonal relationships.
It is the individual who is ill, hence one treats the individual not the substance consumed. For this very reason, no medication can be used to treat it. The right kind of treatment has to a holistic one tailored to the individual suffering from addiction.
Early days
Till the end of the 19th century addicts were considered to be insane people and would be institutionalized in a psychiatric facility or mad houses as they were called then.
Self- help Groups
In 1935 self- group Alcoholics Anonymous was established. Narcotics Anonymous was established in 1953. Both are fellowships of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism and drug addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking/using. There are no dues or fees; they are self-supporting through their own contributions. Its primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics and drug addicts to achieve sobriety.
Harm Reduction Therapy
This aims at reducing the use of existent drugs by substituting it with another drug which is less addictive and less harmful than the substance of choice. e.g. Buprenorphine is used as substitute for illicit opiate drugs. Although these drugs are themselves addictive, the goal is to provide a clinically supervised, stable dose of a particular opioid in order to provide a measure of control to both pain and cravings. This provides a chance for the addict to function normally and to reduce the negative consequences associated with obtaining sufficient quantities of substances illicitly, by both reducing opioid cravings and withdrawals.
Residential Rehabilitation programs
Addiction is a disease of emotional unamanageability. Hence the treatment process has to be directed at enabling the person to go beyond one’s emotional issues and learn the tools to live life realistically without finding the need to drink/use.
This is the ideal treatment process provided it is residential, voluntary, non-medical in nature and in an accepting, comfortable, non-judgmental environment. The person afflicted with addiction has to stay for anywhere between 8 weeks to a year for a structured treatment in a controlled environment.
The residential treatment centres may use any of the following
-12 step program to recovery
-Cognitive Behaviour Therapy – which says that addiction is a behavioural problem and hence therapy in that direction will aid in treatment
-SMART Recovery program – that looks at the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviours, recognizing that a change in any of these areas can affect the whole.
As per us at Anatta Humanversity, true recovery can happen only in the freedom of voluntarily accepting help. The treatment methodologies involve Meditation, Counselling processes and Workpapers to write that are individualistically designed. The meditation techniques are very psychotherapeutic and take one within, making it easier to deal with issues that are resolved through counselling and writing processes. The ambience is very loving and accepting, thus enabling the individual marginalized by himself, family and society to accept and love himself/ herself. afflicted are extremely intelligent, socially manipulative and are unable to deal with and manage their emotions. It is this last trait that results in repeated indulgence in usage under the illusion of the temporary relief from emotional pain.
In reality, they require an environment that is loving, non-judgmental [ they judge and demean themselves worse than anyone one else can], accepting and compassionate. This is a space where they can be themselves without fear or shame- for, these are the only circumstances where they can accept themselves, begin loving themselves , at the same time taking responsibility for their lives and learn to enjoy living and reach a stage within themselves of not finding the need to use substances. This enables them to own their dignity.
The Counselling processes need to be with experiential counsellors who have suffered from addiction in the past, undergone treatment and are today leading a sober fulfilling life .The individual seeking treatment gains hope and inspiration from somebody who has experienced what he /she is experiencing and have undergone treatment and are today living a great life, realistically. This is done through self-disclosure sharing.
Any meditation technique releases suppressed and repressed emotions that have been stored in the cellular memories of the body.
Writing enables a detachment of the baggage of emotions that are attached to past incidents that have been perceived to be painful.
The holistic package of sharing, writing, meditation and other alternate therapies that are individualized to the client enable the individual to develop self- esteem, self-love and live life realistically.
Family Therapy is an equally important part of the therapeutic process that bridges families.
Thus, the afflicted individual learns to live life and thrive without finding the need to use a substance.
Thus, the right solution for addiction treatment, is the residential model which is voluntary, non- medical and holistic.