Addiction is considered to be a disease that affects body mind and soul.
Hence, in an ailment that affects the entire individual will medicine help?
Till the end of the 19th century addicts were considered to be insane people and would be institutionalized in a psychiatric facility or madhouses as they were called then.
In 1935 self group Alcoholics Anonymous was established. Narcotics Anonymous was established in 1953. Both are fellowships of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism and drug addiction. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking/using. There are no dues or fees; they are self-supporting through their own contributions Its primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics and drug addicts to achieve sobriety.
This aims at reducing the use of existent drugs by substituting it with another drug which is less addictive and less harmful than the substance of choice.E.g. Buprenorphine is used as substitutes for illicit opiate drugs. Although these drugs are themselves addictive, the goal is to provide a clinically supervised, stable dose of a particular opioid in order to provide a measure of control to both pain and cravings. This provides a chance for the addict to function normally and to reduce the negative consequences associated with obtaining sufficient quantities of substances illicitly, by both reducing opioid cravings and withdrawals.
This is the ideal treatment process. The person afflicted with addiction has to stay for anywhere between 30 days to a year for a structured treatment in a controlled environment.
The residential treatment centers may use any of the following
These residential centers in India are Voluntary centers wherein the person comes into treatment voluntarily accepting he needs help and Involuntary centers wherein the person is admitted against his will.
Surgery is the last option in the treatment of any ailment. .likewise involuntary treatment for addiction should be the last option -only if the person is either suicidal or homicidal.
As per us at Anatta Rehabilitation Delhi true recovery can happen only in the freedom of voluntarily accepting help. The treatment methodologies involve Meditation, Counseling processes, and Work papers individualistically designed. The meditation techniques are very psychotherapeutic and take one within, making it easier to deal with issues that are resolved through counseling and writing processes. The ambiance is very loving and accepting, thus enabling the individual marginalized by himself, family, and society to accept and love himself/ herself. Thus the afflicted individual learns to live life and thrive without finding the need to use a substance.