Drug Addiction

Crystal Meth: The Dangers, Effects, and Treatment Options

Ice, glass, speed, hot ice, quartz, blade,cristy, batu crank, chalk… heard of these names? they are all street names for Methamphetamine/ crystal meth.Methamphetamine is an old drug that has come back with a bang with easier methods of manufacture. Crystal meth, short for methamphetamine, is a powerful and highly addictive drug that affects the central nervous system. Often […]

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Charlie Ka Chakkar

Aunt Nora/Bernice/Binge/ Blow/C/Charlie/Coke/Dust/Flake/Mojo/ are all the street names of the White powder Cocaine. It was discovered by German chemist Albert Neimann. Its use was popularized by Sigmund Freud the famous psychoanalyst who was himself addicted to it. It was also an ingredient of Coca Cola at one point. Cocaine was initially used in the form

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Inhalant Abuse

Ever seen a kid sniffing something from a pouch or a cloth on railway stations? Seen a school kid’s white ink getting over sooner than it has been bought? Office supplies ordered more than required especially cleaning fluids, glue etc? Most likely you are looking at an addiction to inhalant abuse. Inhalant abuse are drugs

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“It is only a herb” “It is all-natural” It is not addictive” “It is being legalized across the world now” “Even Lord Shiva is said to have used it always” These are some of the justifications I hear from people who use or are addicted to using the products of the innocuous plant Cannabis also

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MDMA: Effects, Risks, and Health Implications

MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy or Molly, is a synthetic psychoactive drug that has been widely used in party and rave scenes for decades. It is popular for its stimulant and psychedelic properties, providing users with heightened energy, euphoria, and altered sensory experiences. However, its widespread use also comes with significant health risks, including addiction,

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