K2, Spice, Black Mamba, Kush, Kronic, Joker, etc.. these are not names of some movies or nicknames of a person… They are the different names of the drug Synthetic Cannabinoids which comes under the classification of New Psychotropic Substances (NPS)
As is self-evident these are human-made psychotropic chemicals that are sprayed on plant material that are shredded, or sold in liquid form, or vaporized.
Modes of use- the liquid mimicking cannabinoids are sprayed on plant material or weed which can be smoked. The liquid is also used in e-cigarettes or vaporized and inhaled. They are similar to the chemicals found in the cannabis plant, hence the name- hence, they are also called “fake weed”. However deceptive the name sounds, they are dangerous and can be fatal.
They are sold in attractive packing in packets and bottles in stores or can be ordered on the internet. The use is prevalent in Middle Eastern countries, the USA, Mauritius and the African countries, some parts of Asia, etc. They are misleadingly advertised as natural which makes it attractive for young people to use.
Calmness, euphoria, acuity of senses Psychotic effects -delusions, unrealistic thinking, Extreme anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations- visual, and auditory.
At times, violent behavior, nausea, vomiting, suicidal thoughts, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, seizures, and can result in death. Synthetic cannabinoids can be quite addictive.
Withdrawals – On stopping the substance can experience heightened anxiety, depression, headaches etc..
Residential, non- medical, voluntary therapy with Counseling, Meditation and other alternate therapies in an accepting, loving, compassionate environment is what is required. The goal of treatment is “ to Not find the need to use.”