There are standard questionnaires by which one can identify the existence of an alcohol or drug problem that requires treatment.
1. Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
3. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (eye-opener)?
1. Have you ever felt you ought to cut down on your drinking or drug use?
2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking or drug use?
3. Have you felt bad or guilty about your drinking or drug use?
4. Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (eye-opener)?
Scoring: Item responses on the CAGE questions are scored 0 for “no” and 1 for “yes” answers, with a higher score being an indication of alcohol problems. A total score of two or greater is considered clinically significant. However even one positive score indicates the presence of an alcohol/drug problem that requires treatment in the form of rehabilitation.
Likewise there are questionnaires to identify Co-dependency in a family member or close loved one of the people addicted to alcohol/drugs
1. Did you ever lose time from work due to your relationship with an addicted person?
2. Have your relationships ever made your life unhappy?
3. Have your relationships affected your reputation?
4. Have you ever felt remorse after manipulating a situation?
5. Did you ever control situations to get money to pay debts household bills or otherwise solve financial difficulties that belong to someone else?
6. Has your involvement in a relationship caused a decrease in your ambition or efficiency?
7. After a fight or disagreement, did you feel you must get even?
8. After winning an argument, did you have a strong urge to restate your point?
9. Did you often stay in a relationship until your last hope was gone?
10. Did you ever borrow money to finance another person’s addiction or associated crisis?
11. Have you ever sold anything to finance another person’s addiction or associated crisis?
12. Were you reluctant to purchase necessary items because it may cause a disagreement?
13. Did your relationships make you careless of the welfare of yourself and your family?
14. Did you ever stay in a degrading or dangerous situation longer than you planned?
15. Have you ever dragged old hurts into discussions about current items?
16. Have you ever committed or considered committing, an illegal act to finance someone’s addiction?
17. Did your relationships cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
18. Do arguments, disappointments or frustrations create within you an urge to change someone else?
19. Did you ever have an idea that if loved ones would only see things your way, life would be much better?
20. Have you ever considered self-destruction as a result of your reactions or relationships?
Answering yes to five or more of these questions is an indication that codependency has become a problem in your life.
If you test positive for either of the above tests you would need to consult a substance abuse counselor who will guide you to the next course of action required to be taken.
We at Anatta Humanversity Pvt.Ltd. facilitate the treatment of the dependent and co-dependent in a loving, accepting, ambiance, being client-specific and maintaining the highest level of confidentiality.